Local Own Comfort - Guelph Plumber

Professional Plumbing and Gas-Fitting Services in Guelph, Ontario and Surrounding Areas

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Guelph Plumbing - Basic Tools to Have in Every Plumbing Kit

Basic Tools to Have in Every Plumbing Kit

Basic plumbing knowledge can be of great help, especially if you are a homeowner. There are many jobs that can easily be done by yourself. For those who like to tackle those bigger plumbing jobs, a career in plumbing could be the next step. You can join the growing pool of Guelph plumbers that offer solutions and fixes.

Whether you are looking to start a career in plumbing or are a major DIY enthusiast, there are some basic plumbing tools that are a must for every toolkit. After speaking with a Guelph plumber from Local Own Comfort, we’ve come up with a list of the necessary basics to have in your plumbing supply kit.

Basic Plumbing Tools

Tape Measure

It’s a simple tool but one that is necessary to have. During any plumbing job, you will more than likely need to measure up dimensions along with the plumbing system.

Set of Adjustable Wrenches

You can get wrenches in a variety of sizes, shapes, and handle lengths. Adjustable wrenches play a very critical part of doing any type of plumbing work. They are used for turning, holding, fitting, and removing plumbing fixtures and pipes. It’s best to have a set with varying jaw heads.

Set of Screwdrivers

Having a set of varying size and head-shape screwdrivers is another necessity. When you search online for a Guelph plumbing fix, 9 times out of 10 a screwdriver will be part of the tools needed. They are used for tightening and loosening a number of plumbing connections and fixtures.

Hacksaws and Handsaws

Some plumbing jobs will require you to cut wood and plastic materials, such as floorboards and frames. So these are two necessities to get that part of the job done.

Teflon Tape

Teflon tape is used for pipes, plumbing components, and faucets. They ensure that each connection is leak proof and tight.

Tube and Pipe Cutters

Part of Guelph plumbing solutions is cutting metal and plastic pipes. Having cutters for both makes this part of the job a lot simpler. These cutters have adjustable heads that will fit any size pipe or tube used in plumbing fixes.

Safety Equipment

No plumbing tool kit is complete without some safety equipment. You’ll need earplugs, goggles, and gloves. Plumbers have to work in a variety of setting so need to lessen their risk of injury.

Those are the necessities for your plumbing tool kit. There are also some secondary tools that are good to have for taking on Guelph plumbing solutions.  These include both large and small flashlights, vise grip pliers, flat and round files, short and long shovels, a sledgehammer, ball-peen and claw hammers, a caulking gun, trowel, and some needle-nose pliers.

If you’re looking for a Guelph plumbing fix and need some advice, it’s always best to speak to the professionals, such as Local Own Comfort. They have the top Guelph plumbers that can help you plan for a plumbing project. If doing your own plumbing project seems to be a bit intimidating, you can get expert Guelph plumbers out to do the job for you.

Guelph Plumbing - How to Tell if Plumbing is Leaking or Needs to be Replaced

How to Tell if Plumbing is Leaking or Needs to be Replaced

I’ve been doing plumbing in Guelph for many years now. I always advise homeowners of how important it is to not only maintain their plumbing but to have a bit of knowledge around common plumbing issues and repairs that can be done easily. You see, not every plumbing issue requires a replacement. Sometimes a simple thing, like putting on a new rubber washer is all it takes to sort out the issue. So I’m going to share with you the top plumbing issues most homeowners face, and how to determine if its a repair or a replacement issue you can repair yourself.

Top Guelph Plumbing Issues

Hot Water Isn’t Working

You’re tired at the end of the day and all you are longing for is a nice hot shower. But when you step in and turn the water on, you’re greeted with nothing but cold water. If the issue is a lack of hot water, check these things first:

  • Is your water heater run on gas? Check to see if the pilot light has gone out.
  • Is your water heater big enough to meet the needs of your home? If not, you may need to upgrade.
  • Make sure your temperature settings are good enough to provide the right amount of hot water.

Leaking Water Heater 

This is another common issue that occurs for homeowners. There are some instances where you can fix the issue yourself, but in most cases, you will need a plumber for this job. Most leaks in water heaters are a signal that the floor of the tank is beginning to rust and degrade. This means it will need to be replaced.

Dripping Faucets

This is one that all homeowners face at one time or another. Dripping faucets can be annoying and wasteful. Dripping faucets are usually an easy fix and tend to be caused by rubber washers that have degraded over time. Washer replacements can be purchased at any DIY or plumbing supply store for very little.

Leaking Pipes

A simple leaking pipe can cause a 10,000-gallon loss of water per year if not fixed. It can become quite costly. In many cases, the issue is down to a degraded pipe connector that has become loose or the pipe itself. This is a repair that you can do yourself by simply replacing the pipe or connector in question.

In cases where the pipe issue is larger or not easy to get to, you will need a plumber to come out to inspect things. Doing this early on will save you on any costly repairs later.

Running Toilet

Like a faucet that keeps dripping, a running toilet can cost you money over time. Most issues with a running toilet are due to the tank fixtures, such as the fill valve or flapper. These are easy enough to replace and you can buy replacements at any DIY or plumbing supply store.

Clogged Drains

Another common household issue, this is one that can be avoided if your drains are properly maintained. You need to pay close attention to what you pour down your drains for a start. For example, never pour fats, cooking grease, or oils down a drain. Once they cool, they for, a blockage that will require a heavy-duty unclogger to get rid of. Over time, it can cause more issues that will require the assistance of a plumber to sort out.

If you have an issue with your plumbing that you can’t figure out or that is too big to tackle on your own, give our Guelph plumbing services a call today!


Guelph Plumber - Tips for Avoiding Winter Plumbing Leaks

Tips for Avoiding Winter Plumbing Leaks

With the temperature outside well below freezing and snow covering the ground, it is important to be diligent about checking your water pipes to avoid any plumbing issues. Many problems can occur during harsh weather conditions, which is why you should alert any problems to a trusted professional before they get worse.

So, to help provide some insight, your local Guelph plumber with Local Own Comfort has listed some useful tips for avoiding winter water plumbing leaks.

Tip #1: Protect Your Water Pipes From Freezing

If you have uninsulated water pipes your home could risk major water damage if those pipes were to freeze. In conditions below 0 degrees Celsius, the water inside your pipes could freeze, which could cause the entire pipe to become frozen. This causes a problem because a frozen pipe could burst open easily, which could create flooding inside your home. If you have uninsulated pipes, be sure and purchase a foam tube and wrap your pipes in this foam to help insulate them better. If you do have a burst pipe, be sure to call your local Guelph plumber immediately to come fix your problem before it gets worse.

 Tip #2: Disconnect Your Outdoor Hose

With temperatures as cold as they are now, there is no need to have your lawn hose outside. If you keep your hose connected to your main water unit, these pipes could freeze and ultimately affect the water distribution throughout the house. So instead, disconnect your hose and put it away until the springtime.

Tip #3: Fix Any Current Leaks Now

Even if you have a minor leak, you will want to call a Guelph plumber immediately to prevent any more problems from occurring in the future. Having a small leak in the wintertime could largely affect your water supply, so thoroughly check your home of any leaks. You will also want to shut off any pipes that lead to the outdoors to prevent from freezing.

Contact Us

For more details on tips for avoiding winter water plumbing leaks or if you have questions about your water heater in Guelph, please contact Local Own Comfort at 519-760-5494.

Are you looking for a quote? Get in touch with a plumbing and gas-fitting expert today