Local Own Comfort - Guelph Plumber

Professional Plumbing and Gas-Fitting Services in Guelph, Ontario and Surrounding Areas

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Guelph Water Heater - What Can Cause Water Heater Leaks

What Can Cause Water Heater Leaks

The last thing that you want to see as a homeowner is leaking around your water heater.  It brings to mind the worst-case scenario; the expense of fixing or buying a new one.  We have some advice from a Guelph water heater contractor that may help set your mind at ease.  Not all leaks mean the worst.  So the first step is to look at why the water heater is leaking and what may be causing it.  In many cases, a leak only requires a small repair that can be quick and inexpensive.


Before you start diagnosing the leak, make sure you turn off the power source.  For electric water heaters, power needs to be shut off at the circuit breaker.  For gas water heaters, there should be an on/off switch on the heater that needs to be turned off.  If you have a pretty substantial leak that is obvious, you should also shut off the water supply found at the cold water shut off valve.  This will slow, if not stop the leak.  Also, keep in mind that your hot water tank can be very hot, so let the heater cool down a bit before you work on it.  The hot water that’s in your heater is hot enough to cause 1st-degree burns.

Possible Causes of a Water Heater Leak

Hot and Cold Water Connections

There are generally 2 main connections to a hot water heater; a connection for the hot water outlet, and a connection for the cold water inlet.  Check these for any leaking, as well as the elbow joints that connect the pipes to the heater.  It may be that they need some tightening or reconnecting at the joints.  You can easily get replacement parts for these areas and it may solve the issue.

Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve

All hot water heaters have a T&P relief valve.  This valve is what regulates pressure and prevents your hot water tank from exploding.  The valve works by opening repeatedly when high temperatures create steam, which increases pressure to the valve.  The valve may be faulty or blocked, causing a continuous leak. You should first try flushing the valve to remove any debris. Should the valve continue to leak after flushing it out, you may need to replace it.  This is a job that a licensed Guelph water heater contractor can do.

Heater Drain Valve

Near the bottom of your water heater tank is a drain valve.  This valve can leak if it’s faulty or if there has been a buildup of sediment that affects the seal.  You can try flushing this valve, as you did the T&P valve, to help clear any debris.  If it continues to leak then you will need to replace the drain valve.


For electric water heaters, electric elements in the tank are what heat the water.  The base of these elements have rubber gaskets on them to protect them from water and, over time, they will erode, allowing water to seep put through the connections.   The base of the elements can be reached by a small hatch on the outside of the tank.  If the electrical connections are showing signs of water damage, it’s probably down to degraded gaskets, which can be replaced.

The Tank

Should you find that water is leaking from the tank itself, you will need to have the unit replaced.  Tanks can erode from the inside out when heaters are not maintained properly and not flushed out regularly.  Sediment builds up and causes erosion over time.  In this situation, it’s best to contact a Guelph water heater contractor to properly replace the unit.

Guelph Water Heater - How to Know if Yours is Broken

How to Know if Your Water Heater is Broken

Most homeowners forget to make regular checks on their water heater, which can cause a huge problem down the road. Keeping up to date with your water heater and knowing if there is an issue is extremely important especially during the winter season. So to help prevent a problem from occurring, your local water heater contractor has listed three useful tips on how to know your water heater is going back and what you should do about it.

Tip #1: Check The Age Of Your Water Heater

If you cannot remember how old your water heater is, you can check this information by reviewing the serial number on the back. Most water heaters have a similar code that tells you how old the heater is. For instance, say the serial number is C071052638, this means that your water heater was made in March 2007 since C is the third letter of the alphabet, which means March and the next two numbers read 07, which means it was manufactured in 2007.

Once you when your water heater was made, you can figure out how old it is Most heaters last for approximately ten years, so if your heater is older than that, it may be time to replace it.

Tip #2: Rust In The Water

If your heater is producing rust in the water, it may mean that it’s time to change out your heater or the rust could be coming from the pipes. To see whether or not you need to replace your heater, drain the water using a five-pound bucket. Fill your bucket up three times and if rust is still appearing in the water by the third bucket, it might be a good idea to get a new Guelph water heater.

Tip #3: Is Your Water Heater Making Noise?

If your water heater is making noise then this could be an indication that it needs to be replaced. The older a water heater gets, the more likely sediment is able to build up and sit inside your tank. This deposit accumulation can cause your water heater to make noises, which can then cause your heater to stop working properly.

Contact Us

For more information on how to know if your Guelph water heater is going bad or if you are having current problems and need to talk to an expert, please contact the Local Own Comfort team at 519-760-5494.

Water Heater in Guelph - Common Winter Water Heater Issues

Common Water Heater Issues in Winter

Now that we are well into winter, the consistent cold weather can be causing major problems with your water heater. This is why it is important to be aware of these issues so you can call a Guelph plumber immediately.

So, to help you get started, your local plumbers at Local Own Comfort have listed some of the most common water heater issues that occur in winter and how a professional can help.

Issue #1: Broken Parts

Faulty parts can occur over time due to misuse and aging. It is especially important to be aware of these parts so you are not going a day without hot water. Some issues to keep an eye out for depends on the type of heater you have. If you have an electric heater, a common issue to have during the winter is a faulty thermostat or if you have a gas heater, you should be aware of the pilot control valve.

If you think you are having a problem with these parts, your local Guelph plumber can come in and either adjust these parts or replace them altogether.

Issue #2: Insulation

If you own an electric heater and fear you are having insulation issues, your local plumber can protect your heater with a layer of neoprene foam. If you have a gas heater, the best insulation to use is a layer of fiberglass wrap. Insulating this area can help save money on your utility bill because it will help heat up the water faster and therefore use less energy.

Issue #3: Sediment Buildup

Now that it has started to snow, there is going to be large amounts of salt particles on the ground. Tracking this salt into your home and near your water heater can cause a buildup of sediment particles which can cause the parts of your water heater in Guelph to corrode. Have a professional inspect your heater and remove these particles to prevent this problem from occurring.

Issue #4: Overheating

It is very common for your water heater to overheat in the winter due to the higher demand for warmer water. Keep an eye on the water heater thermostat and make sure temperatures don’t exceed 50 degrees C or your heater could burn out or parts of it could degrade.

Contact Us

If you are starting to have problems with your water heater in Guelph, have Local Own Comfort take a look and fix the issue before you are completely out of hot water!

For questions or inquiries, please contact us at 519-760-5494.

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